Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?

A Dietitian is a qualified food and nutrition professional that holds the credential of Registered Dietitian (RD). This recognition is earned through rigorous training, and includes a minimum of 4 years of university education, an in-depth licensing exam, and the completion of an extensive supervised practice program. Registered Dietitians are governed by a Provincial College, such as the College of Dietitians of Ontario, which ensures that they adhere to the highest standards of care and conduct.

The title “Nutritionist” is not legally protected in all provinces, which means individuals with different levels of training and knowledge can use this title. It’s important to verify with your provincial regulatory body whether the individual providing services is a regulated health provider in your province.

For more information about Registered Dietitians, please visit the College of Dietitians website: and Dietitians of Canada:

Why see a Dietitian?

Although there are many options available, like books, TikTok, the internet, and fad diets, they may not address your unique needs, preferences and lifestyle. Consulting a dietitian who will take the time to learn about you and offer you customized information and evidence-based strategies can lead to the best results and better health.

Do I need a doctor’s referral to a dietitian?

No, you do not need a doctor’s referral to book an appointment.

With your written permission, we can work with your doctor, psychotherapist, or any other health provider to ensure you receive coordinated and the best overall care.

Are dietitian services covered under my insurance plan?

Many group health insurance plans offer coverage for nutrition counselling from a registered dietitian, often up to $500 per calendar year. Review your group or employee insurance policy to confirm the specific coverage details. If you don’t have insurance, you may benefit from tax deductions for dietitian services under medical expenses.

What if my employee insurance plan doesn’t cover dietitian services?

Research proves that dietitians not only save employers money, but also improve the overall health of employees. The good news is that most insurance plans offer dietitian services, but leave it up to employers to select it as a benefit. You may just need to ask for it!

Visit for more information on how dietitians help create healthy workplaces and share it with your employer.

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